Richard Knox, NPR News

Doctor Groups Unite Against Unnecessary Tests & Procedures

KFF Health News Original

This story comes from our partner ‘s Shots blog. Doctors do stuff — tests, procedures, drug regimens and operations. It’s what they’re trained to do, what they’re paid to do and often what they fear not doing. So it’s pretty significant that a broad array of medical specialty groups is issuing an expanding list of don’ts […]

Study Questions Benefits Of Many Double Mastectomies

KFF Health News Original

This story comes from our partner ‘s Shots blog. It’s a startling trend: Many women with cancer in one breast are choosing to have their healthy breast removed, too. But a study being presented later this week says more than three-quarters of women who opt for double mastectomies are not getting any benefit because their risk of cancer […]

Tax Breaks For Organ Donors Aren’t Boosting Transplant Supply

KFF Health News Original

This story comes from our partner ‘s Shots blog. Seventeen states offer tax incentives to people who donate a kidney, a portion of their liver or bone marrow for transplantation. But a study finds these sweeteners aren’t working. Researchers looked at what happened in the years before and after these tax incentives were passed and found no increase […]

In U.S., Hospital Round Trips More Common For Heart Attack Patients

KFF Health News Original

This story comes from our partner ‘s Shots blog. If a heart attack sends you to an American hospital, you’ll probably go home after only two or three nights. That’s faster than virtually anyplace else in the world. But your chances of needing to go back into the hospital within the next month are also […]

Shortages Lead Doctors To Ration Critical Drugs

KFF Health News Original

This story comes from our partner ‘s Shots blog. Drug shortages mean a growing number of Americans aren’t getting the medications they need. That’s causing drug companies and doctors to ration available medications in some cases. “We’re now at 213 shortages for this year,” says Erin Fox of the University of Utah, who tracks national drug […]

Female Docs Fall Further Behind On Pay

KFF Health News Original

While more women are choosing medicine as a career, there’s a pretty big gender gap in starting salaries, researchers have found. The explanation used to be that women entered less lucrative specialties, but that’s not the case anymore.

Not Enough Insurance And Swimming In Medical Bills

KFF Health News Original

Between the two of them, Martha Martin and her husband Jim work five part-time jobs, but still can’t afford health insurance. Last year, the Martins spent 45 percent of their $44,500 income on health insurance premiums and medical bills. Part of our series “Are You Covered?” co-produced with NPR.