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Latest KFF Health News Stories

Applying Silicon Valley Smarts To Age-Old Diseases

KFF Health News Original

Customized iPhones are just one example of devices that can be used to combat health threats in developing countries. They are helping scientists in California and Cameroon attack the parasite that causes river blindness, an African scourge.

Can Apps Slay The Medical Bill Dragon?

KFF Health News Original

A handful of Silicon Valley start-ups are trying to usher medical billing into the 21st century by creating smartphone apps to help consumers navigate their health insurance paperwork.

Los Angeles County Scores An E-Success In Managing Specialist Care

KFF Health News Original

An electronic consulting and referral system adopted by the county’s safety net public health system in 2012 has reduced waiting times for appointments with specialists and eliminated the need for such appointments in a significant number of cases, according to a new study in the journal Health Affairs.

Licensing Logjam For California Nurses

KFF Health News Original

A big backlog of applications at the state’s licensing board is holding up hiring by hospitals and making it difficult for recent nurse graduates — and experienced nurses from out of state — to work.