Colorado news

KFF Health News covers the health issues facing people who live in America’s rural reaches.

En Colorado, reevalúan leyes formuladas para proteger a los menores

KFF Health News Original

Hay esfuerzos en Colorado y otros estados para revertir las leyes que obligan a informar sobre sospechas de abuso o negligencia, argumentando que el resultado ha sido demasiados informes infundados, que perjudican desproporcionadamente a las familias que son pobres, negras, indígenas o tienen miembros con discapacidades.

Tire Toxicity Faces Fresh Scrutiny After Salmon Die-Offs

KFF Health News Original

Tires emit huge volumes of particles and chemicals as they roll along the highway, and researchers are only beginning to understand the threat. One byproduct of tire use, 6PPD-q, is in regulators’ crosshairs after it was found to be killing fish.

Unsheltered People Are Losing Medicaid in Redetermination Mix-Ups

KFF Health News Original

Some of the nearly 130,000 Montanans who have lost Medicaid coverage as the state reevaluates eligibility are homeless. That’s in part because Montana kicked more than 80,000 people off the program for technical reasons rather than income ineligibility. For unhoused people who were disenrolled, getting back on Medicaid can be extraordinarily difficult.

Rural Americans Are Way More Likely To Die Young. Why?

KFF Health News Original

Three words are commonly repeated to describe rural America and its residents: older, sicker and poorer. Obviously, there’s a lot more going on in the nation’s towns than that tired stereotype suggests. But a new report from the Agriculture Department’s Economic Research Service gives credence to the “sicker” part of the trope. Rural Americans ages […]

Arkansas Led the Nation in Measuring Obesity in Kids. Did It Help?

KFF Health News Original

For more than 20 years, children in Arkansas have been measured in school as part of a statewide effort to reduce childhood obesity. But the letters have had no impact on weight loss — and obesity rates have risen. Still, the practice of sending letters has spread to other states.